1- AQUAPHOR: This is on basically every list on the internet, and its the most budget friendly.
2- BURTS BEES: Who doesn't have this in their pocket- also has the most tinted options.
3- ROSEBUD SALVE: This has been around since 1892, and its STILL the last thing you see when you check out at the beauty store.
4- SUPERGOOP BALM: Do you need sunscreen? This one is really your only worthwhile option.
5- LANEIGE: This is like night cream, but for your lips. If you weren't self conscious about lip wrinkles before, now you are.
6- LANOLIPS: Rising favorite from influencers everywhere.
7- NUXE: Do you need something subtle for a pre lipstick application? Try this. Even if you end up wiping off the lipstick because you just don't feel like you can pull it off.
8- SUGAR BALM: I know you've seen this on the shelf since you were a pre-teen. There's a reason why. Consider it the investment piece for your lips.